Sunday, August 16, 2009

a note from a friend.

helloooooooooooooo to all the non-existant readers of the Quirky Story! i would like to apologize on behalf of Bianca and Beryl for them not posting in so long... Beryl is off being eaten by bears in the wilderness, and Bianca has immersed herself in something called..... the fair. gasp. be careful if you ask her about it, she may give you more information than you want. i'm just a friend and a faithful reader of the blog. girls, if you're ever in L.A., gimme a ring! we could hang out, maybe sing some karaoke... i can't take the diiiiiiistaaaance...... anyways, hope to see you soon. :-)

best regards,
Oliver J.


Lizzy said...

So glad you're reading the blog...I'm back from getting eaten by bears, and when Bianca finally stops talking about the fair, we'll be on a road trip to see you (though we may be a loooooong tiiiiiiime, coming).


Chill said...

When i come to L.A. can we hang out one day so i can learn everything from you =D?

Rach said...

Olly!! gosh it's been too long! maybe when Beryl and I come out there we can take the boat out on the lake? maybe go dancing? will you sing for us? :)

oh btw have you heard from Damian anytime recently?


Oliver said...

Totally!!! Lets make sure no one falls out of the boat this time though. ;-)

Ya I just talked to him a few weeks ago!! He's doing great, misses you guys too. He said when you come to his concert, he's gonna sing Sweet Sixteen just for you Bianca. :-)

Hopefully I'll see you girls soon!

Best Regards,
Oliver J.

Damian said...

Hello girls! Oliver emailed me and said you were talking about getting together sometime soon. That would be so fun! I have not gone boating in so long. Actually I'm in Baltimore for a concert soon. Would you like to hang out? Maybe if it works for Oliver he could fly out and meet us? Hope to see you all soon. Happy sweet sixteen Bianca. Go raibh míle maith agat, mo rún!


guess who said...

Damian, you better watch your need to talk to Rach's dad. And Oliver, get a job. Seriously, man. You can't park cars for the rest of your life. Life is hard; get over it.


Rach said...

guess who?!? you jerk!! whoever you are, i won't stand for you insulting some of my best friends! so what if Damian wants to call me mo rún... i'm fine with that!! and Olly definitely has a job. you need a life, whoever you are. whadya say to that?

Lizzy said...

oooh, ho ho, so it comes down to this, huh? Well you better make up your mind real fast, because it's either me or these fruitcakes. Decide who your friends are. Fast.

Rach said...

i thought you were my friend?!? how... how could you... phu phuu phuuu. :(

i need to vent. maybe we should put a murder in the story. we could... kill the lemur. or poison the pig. something... ominous like that. otherwise i'm gonna explode.

Lizzy said...

ah. good plan. i need to release some anger too. let's kill hayden.

Chill said...

Umm is there going to be anymore chapters?

awt said...

Well, this got really boring...